
Campaign Design

#LiftForLymphoma was created for the 2022 Bateman Case Study Competition for the University of Oregon team. The Bateman Case Study Competition is the Public Relations Student Society of America’s (PRSSA) premier national case study competition for public relations students. The Lymphoma Research Foundation partnered with the Bateman to extend its outreach to the young demographics. The goal of this campaign was to raise awareness of adolescent and young adult lymphoma on the UO campus and in the local community.

“Lift For Lymphoma” was chosen as the slogan to represent the empowerment-driven campaign. Utilizing the discretionary nature of the word “lift,” this language facilitated an atmosphere around healthy living and lifting others through positivity. “Lift for Lymphoma” is a call-to-action; the center of our campaign focused on engagement as the primary goal. My job was to design the campaign logo, symptom card, flyers and assist with other design-related tasks. Although it is a somber and heavy topic, it was necessary to communicate the uplifting spirit visually.

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